
More From Youth Councils

Well, we're still here at Youth Councils. Things are going well . . . it's Saturday night. Steve Fitzhugh has spoken some great messages that have really connected with the kids. We had the 3rd Annual GodStock Outdoor Music Fest Extravaganza this afternoon, and then In His Grip performed a couple of sketches this evening at a dinner event.

It's been a busy day.

Here are a few pics.

The first is a shot from the back of the hall, where I'm perched. The set is amazing. It was designed by Jeremy at DHQ and built by Major Musgrave who seems to be able to build anything at all. Including a billboard video screen.

The praise band is "Entertaining Angels" from Tampa Florida. They've done a great job too. Good sound.

This is them.

I've been doing a load of video work. I think I might post some of it so that it's available to the other divisions here in the south if they're looking for some content.

Added to the to do list.

The final picutres down below here are of the general area around where I've been working. My computer (and 19" aux display!) are doing well.

I've also got a Remote Desktop Connection to a server perched upstairs where the videos are all rendered.

It's a great set up. It's nice to have these tools available to us.

That's it. Hopefully I'll be able to post more pretty soon.



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