
30 Boxes

I have to slip into my tech-geek mode for a little while. Some of you will say, "I didn't know there WAS any other mode, Des." Thanks. Well there is - not that you'll see it now.

I've been waiting for a long time to hear about Google Calendar. Supposedly, Google has been working on this online calendar thing that will likely be a partner to gmail. People in the tech world are talking about calling it gCal - it's on ongoing thing. I've never seen a screenshot or anything so I don't know for sure that it even exists. But, if you go to http://calendar.google.com, it brings you to the google home page. So, that's where some of the speculation comes from.

Anywho, I was reading today that there is another similar program set to be released on Sunday, February 5. It's called 30 boxes. It looks really cool from what I can find. I've just really been wanting a way to organize my time - something that I can ALWAYS access. I like my palm pilot but I hate the PC software that comes with it.

This might be what I'm looking for.

If you're interested in knowing more tech news, I always read/listen to:

Maybe I'm giving away too many secrets.



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