
Madrid - The Tour

Shots from Madrid Posted by Picasa

Here are some shots from Madrid today. Forgive that we're all gally-vanting around Madrid in our Salvation Army Uniforms - though it does make it somewhat more funny.

Anywho, the first couple of shots are of Real Madrid's home soccer stadium - a soccer Mecca. The SECOND photo is of a HUGE soccer fan, Matthew Sims, celebrating the visit.

Then I held up a leaning building using just my back, and Charlie licked a fake ice cream cone.

The last couple of shots are from around the Royal Palce - the last photo being one that I think I will stick Kristy in later.

Concerts and open airs, and such, are going well. The best is doing open airs in places for where we don't have permits to do so - the police show up, ask a few questions. We have seen a few folks a couple of times now - people that were at one of our open airs and whom we invited to another. That's good.

The idea of this whole trip is to build the public knowledge of ALL that the Army does. It is an extremely hard-fast religious culture, 97% Catholic, but in a Catholic church that has been assoctiated with dictatorship in this country. Many people are turned off from anything having to do with Church or Christ.

Sounds like a job for Delta Force.

In any case - we have a string of other open airs following morning worship tomorrow. Continue to pray for us.


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