
An Image of Christ

Sometimes, friends of mine give me a hard time about my choice of morning radio show. I listen to Ace & TJ, here in Charlotte, on Kiss 95.1. They're actually pretty good - sometimes a little crude, but ALWAYS funny. I don't listen to Christian radio in Charlotte, because, IMHO, it stinks. Sorry New Life, just what I think.

With all of the recent happen on the Gulf Coast, an interesing thing occurred. I realized that I, in fact, DO listen to a Christian morning show - perhaps the most Christian morning show in the region.

Course of events: Following the landfall of Katrina, Ace and TJ (normally on from 6 -10 AM) stayed on the air all day and organized an impromptu telethon to benefit the victims of the disaster. They solicited supplies, volunteers and even prayers.


So far, they've raised tens of thousands of dollars and have a CONVOY of 18-wheelers headed that way, full of supplies.

And they didn't sit around and gossip - they just got the work done. They didn't complain about someone else getting the limelight, they just got the work done.

Praise the Lord, for Ace and TJ.


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