
Open Doors

God is reall y doing some neat stuff as it relates to opening doors for Kristy and I . . . in life, in minsitry, it is pretty amazing to sit and watch it all unfold. Granted, makes it difficult to decipher what it is that HE wants us to do in all of that . . . but it's interesting to see the options.

That's all on that.

The other interesting thing is something that I wanted to mention earlier but didn't get a chance. The concept of the "miracle of reception" or receiving. I don't know where it came from other than to say it was a theoretical thing that came up at a rehearsal the other day. Basically, we were talking about watching horribly-peformed performances that just bless your heart beyond belief. That THAT is a miracle of reception. God lets you see through the junk to the real heart of the matter - the heart of the offering.

Maybe it's not so much a miracle as much as it is a choice. Its about enouraging others in their worship. God blesses you through it.

It's a pretty neat concept that I plan to put on my list of things to research.


1 comment:

Carla said...


Glad to see your blog and hear your thoughts. Glad that you are in the subversive destruction of the enemies reign ..Hope we get you back in Canada to take some ground.

Knowing that we are fighting on the same front in the spiritual realm.. Give my love to Kristy,

Jonathan Evans