
How We're Not Doing what Jesus Did

Sorry - I know it's been a few days - I've been travelling, dealing with allergies/ailments, attending funerals and visiting the dentist. My dentist got mad at me, incidentally, and said that if I were ever in a plane crash that there would likely be no way to identify me - since I have no fillings.

I think I'll deal with it.

I probably don't have time to expand on this thought a whole lot right now - but I read something very interesting last night. It talked about how we as Christians have a philosophy that, even if we don't do it, we SHOULD be bringing people into a church, a building, or a set of practices (not unlike the set of practices that we see today in the Christian places of worship all over the world). In other words, we want to de-culturize a people; we believe that the utmost of Christian practice, is Western Civilized World Christianity (e.g. Bible-Belt Christianity)

That's not what Jesus did, according to this author.

At least He didn't call people out of a WAY OF LIFE or a CULTURE. He warned people not to become obsessed with religious practises - a la Pharisees. He ministered to Romans, Samaritans, Jews, people from every place, and NEVER scolded them or put down their thoughts or culture or traditions or told them they were going to hell.

He engaged in dialogue, noting that the God of the Jews is about to provide a way for them to be saved (remember that Salvation used in the Bible hardly ever refers saving from hell and sin) and that they should live lives that honor the God of the Jews, their Creator, etc.

Theres a lot in this. Hopefully I'll get more added about it soon.


1 comment:

A. St. said...

You are right, there is a lot to this topic, and I look forward to reading more about what you are thinking on this. If all we are trying to do is migrate people from a culture to a "Christian" sub-culture...hmmm. Too many thoughts and not enough time to jump in. You are hitting on somthing, though, Des. Give Kristy my love. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers.