
Stepping Back

OK, I've decided not to post my whole response to the editor of The Southern Spirit . . . it is done and it is on it's way. It's probably not in anyone's best interest, though, for me to put it up here. I think I would be lowering myself.

I will, however, post this excerpt which contains some of my concerns:

No well-informed, sound-minded Salvationist would debate the statement that a divide of vast proportions, separates our generations. It is one of our own making. I am convinced that our choices are between embracing each other as fellow worshiping believers and further separating the expanse within the church along generational lines. To this point we have, unfortunately chosen the later. My fear is that the motivation for our choice is an unhealthy thought that the Church’s purpose and/or worship should be or is in any way, about us: what we enjoy; what we are fed; that our feelings not be hurt. Worship is, and can only be, about seeking the heart of our Father God, our creator and preserver, finding out what He likes. It can only be motivated by the words of John the Baptist, regarding the coming Christ, “He must become greater, I must become less.” When we seek to glorify God alone, when HE is our audience, the only proper object of religious worship, matters of taste and preference will be a far distant memory.

The letter topped out at 5 pages, and if you get the chance to swing by my office sometime, maybe I'll share a little more with you . . .

In the meantime, I await my desiny. Hopefully, I won't be fired. But, Dave tells me that you don't need to be a licensed attorney to represent someone in a civil case . . .

I'm joking . . . I kid, I kid.



Kathy said...

I have to know more about this letter! I was captivated by the tiny excerpt you posted and would love it if you could send me a copy or share where the motivation came from to write it. You hit the nail on the head, articulating thoughts that have been in heads and on hearts for quite some time. Very cool. Thanks for shedding some light.
I miss you and Kristy alot, and am so proud of the ministries that you have forged together.
You guys are too hot! Ouch!
To God be the Glory!

Anonymous said...

thank you des. i just found the article last week and my response letter is on the way too.

Anonymous said...

p.s. this is chris welch, i wrote the last comment. I don't know if you'll come back to this post to read it because it is older. I got nothing but love for you.