
Live Like You Mean It

So I'm very tired.

Backtrack . . . we were late leaving Charlotte . . . something to do with Chicago and delayed flights + rescheduling havoc = Kris and Des not getting to Newfoundland on time. We were literally going down the gateway to the plane when another Air Canada (THERE'S THE PROBLEM) agent was walking up saying that they had just taken the gate away from the plane.

"Luckily" Air Canada springs for a Hotel Room for both of us . . . note . . . 2 hotel rooms total, just in case you want to falsely accuse us. Not that you would. Anyway, the hotel. Wait, it wasn't a hotel. It was a dive comparable only to the castle of the King of Refuse and Putrescence.

So we get back on the plane this morning. Air Canada's programming, the En Route Journal (easily read in either french or english), showed a couple of things. So, even though the above problems were encountered, I had at least 3 insights that I will share with you now.

  1. When I moved to North Carolina, I experienced a whole lot of horrible trauma in leaving Kristy. I honestly think I'm scarred for life. Here's why. Celine Dion has a song which has been adopted by Air Canada as a theme song and has put a montage of planes and airport scenes in the video for the song. The song is dumb, and corny. However, one scene that gets repeated is that of a couple saying 'goodbye' to each other in the airport. Like I said, very corny. Me . . . I can't watch it without tearing up
  2. Live Like You Mean It: There was also an advert for a new channel called "Fine Living" which used "Live Like You Mean it" as it's tagline. Dont' know if I have been, but I want to. I want to live each and every day like I mean what I say . . . AND that I show that I want to live. It makes sense in my head. I don't want to exist or meander or stagnate. I want to live. And I want to act like I want to live. Spiritually, I want to live and act like I mean that commitment too. I've taken a very broad approach to analyzing this statement.
  3. I'm finally here. Either way you look at it, I'm finally in Newfie-Land. And boy does it sure sound different. It's a very different world all around, but especially different sounding. Wow. I've missed the crazy accent though, and just general down to earth-ed-ness that this place has. There's definitely a different spirit here . . . and not necessarily a christian spirit; that's not quite what I mean this time. It's a mytique. It's a spirit of extreme perserverence in the face of hardships. A spirit of helping your neighbour because you know they need help. Down-to-earth, homey, friendly, funny Newfoundland. I've been a lot of places in my short time . . . no where touches this place when it comes to giving you a reality check, putting your life in perspective, helping your understand what's REALLY important in life . . . I love it. A Lot.

Sorry to bore you with that . . . but that's my material for today, what can I say. I can't wait for Saturday - can't say I'll be blogging much for the next little while after that. But I'll be back soon!


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