Greetings. Well, it's been an action-packed couple of days here for me. I've pretty much been on the road since Wednesday night, going to a school in Smithfield, NC (promoting a new brass program) then going to camp and setting up for our Music and Gospel Arts Festival, which was amazing! It went very well. Got to hang out on David and Julie's boat for a couple of hours in there . . . it's finally working . . . and it's fast.
TODAY, I GO TO CANADA! That's incredible to me. It still doesn't seem real. Perhaps because I'm not even started packing yet, and I leave in about 11 hours.
So here's a list of things I plan on doing in Canada, in no particular order:
- Drink real Tim Horton's Coffee - I have a real Tim's Percolator and it's tastes almost exactly like the in house coffee, but I want the aura too.
- Go stand by the ocean - I grew up a couple hundred feet from the ocean, I spent a lot of time on that cold, beach.
- Take Pictures - I'll try to take lots of pictures of lots of things and if you want to see them I'll show you.
- Eat All Dressed Chips.
- Eat Swiss Chalet - not really swiss . . . its rotisserie chicken . . . mmmmmm.
- Get Married - realistically, it's the whole reason for the trip.
- Drink more Tim's - If I don't have it every day, I'd be surprised.
- See people - people that I probably won't see again for a while.
- Hug my family - it stinks being so far away.
- Put money in my Canadian Bank account - Got student loans to pay you know. Stupid loans.
- Buy Atasol 30 - great pain killer with codiene in it . . . over the counter in Canada! Woo-Hoo. Please note that Desmond does not endorse the abuse of medication or drugs of any type and has no intention of taken said medication recreationally. It's a just-in-case scenario, and atasol is amazing. Granted, Pot is legal too . . . i won't take it. These statements have been made for humo(u)r purposes only.
- Sleep in at LEAST one day.
I'll add more if I think of any. But I guess I should go get ready for work. I'm only working a couple of hours today . . . got a few things to finish up. Then I've gotta pack.
Grace All, see some of you soon, some of you later.